Corporate Governance (OP Mortgage Bank)

OP Mortgage Bank’s (later also OP MB) corporate governance is comprehensive and proportionate with respect to the nature, scope and diversity of its operations to ensure the efficient management of the credit institution in accordance with prudential business principles, and so that the Board of Directors can effectively supervise its management.

OP Mortgage Bank’s Corporate Governance Statement is prepared in accordance with the Act on Credit Institutions, the Securities Markets Act, the requirements of the EU’s supervisory authorities (EBA, ESMA, EIOPA) and the Finnish Corporate Governance Code (2020) where applicable.

In its operations, OP MB complies with Finnish legislation. In addition to the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, OP MB complies with regulations governing securities issuers, the Act on Mortgage Credit Banks and Covered Bonds, regulations concerning financial services companies, its Articles of Association and the guidelines issued by OP Cooperative. In its international operations, OP MB also complies with local laws when applicable.

The Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 for listed companies, issued by the Securities Market Association, is available on the Association’s website at

OP Mortgage Bank's Corporate Governance Statement

OP Financial Group's Corporate Governance Statement

OP Financial Group's Remuneration Statement