Nainen hymyilee sillä yrittäjän vakuutukset ovat kunnossa.

Entrepreneur’s insurance

As an entrepreneur, you will be required to take out certain mandatory and voluntary insurance policies, depending on the nature of your business. Secure your personal livelihood, the livelihood of your family, and the continuity of your business.

All your insurance needs in one place

We offer all relevant types of insurance, both mandatory and voluntary policies.

Personal customer service

Together with our expert, you ensure that all risks related to your business are sufficiently covered. If necessary, you can get in touch with us easily.

Digital services 24/7

View your insurance cover whenever, wherever. In case of loss or damage, Pohjola Claim Help is always at your assistance and filing a claim takes just a few moments.

Essential insurance cover for entrepreneurs

The entrepreneur’s insurance helps protect you and your family in case of an illness, accident or, should the worst happen, your death. Some of the insurance policies for entrepreneurs are mandatory. If you need to hire employees, your obligation to insure is more extensive.

The most important entrepreneur’s insurance is the self-employed persons’ pension insurance (YEL), which is mandatory for almost all entrepreneurs and allows you to secure your income in different life situations. Remember to keep the earned income of your YEL insurance up-to-date, as it is used to calculate your daily allowance should you fall ill, for example.

If your company has employees, the mandatory insurance policies for entrepreneurs include the employee pension insurance (TyEL), the statutory occupational accident and occupational disease insurance, and the employees’ group life insurance. Employers are also required to pay their employees' unemployment insurance premiums.

Our experts are happy to provide you with information about which insurance policies are the most important for entrepreneurs and what entrepreneur’s insurance covers. For more information on mandatory insurance for businesses, see the links below. 

Prepare for work and leisure-time accidents

Prevention is the best way to reduce accidents, but all sorts of things may happen at work and during leisure-time. The self-employed persons’ accident insurance covers all accidents and occupational diseases that occur at work. The insurance covers your medical treatment expenses and provides you with income security, allowing you to focus on your recovery. The self-employed persons’ accident insurance and compensation and benefits paid are based on the Occupational Accidents, Injuries and Diseases Act.

The occupational accidents and occupational diseases insurance covers your employees and is also based on the Occupational Accidents, Injuries and Diseases Act. Employee group life insurance premiums are charged in connection with the occupational accidents and occupational diseases insurance. You can extend both the entrepreneur’s and the employees’ insurances to also cover accidents that happen during leisure-time.  


Supplement your insurance cover with other entrepreneur’s insurances

With the help of other entrepreneur’s insurances you can prepare for, for example, diseases or disability. This preparation is particularly important, because falling ill or having an accident always affect the company and its operations. Insurances enable, for example, quick access to treatment, which supports fast recovery and return to work.

Entrepreneur’s health insurance grants you quick access to medical help

Our Health Insurance for entrepreneurs allows you to prepare for any unexpected expenses when you are treated for an illness or accident. With this insurance policy, you can be sure that you will receive the medical attention you need whenever you fall ill or are involved in an accident. It also helps make your life easier, as our partner physicians can invoice us directly for any expenses covered by the insurance.

Corporate travel cover is a useful corporate insurance if you travel for business in Finland or abroad. The insurance can be modified to meet your needs and it covers expenses, such as expenses caused by a cancellation.

Disability insurance provides you compensation if you become permanently disabled due to an illness or accident. Daily allowance for temporary disability can also be paid under the insurance. This entrepreneur’s insurance provides financial security in a changed situation.

Critical illness insurance provides financial cover if you fall critically ill or get seriously injured. A tax-free lump sum compensation of up to EUR 100,000 selected by you is paid based on the insurance immediately after the diagnosis is complete. The critical illness insurance covers 11 serious illness that are common in Finland, serious injury caused by an accident or death caused by a covered illness or accident.

OP’s life insurance provides cover to the insured entrepreneur’s or employees’ next of kin and helps them overcome any financial hardships. They can use the life insurance benefit to cover various expenses, such as loan repayments or other household expenses. As OP’s entrepreneur customer, you can take out a life insurance policy with just a few clicks on

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Additional security for your retirement years

The individual pension insurance for self-employed persons is especially suitable for those who wish to supplement their statutory YEL insurance, as it is a flexible method for accruing additional income for your retirement years. When you take out a self-employed person’s pension insurance from OP, we will help you draw up a plan for your insurance premium payments and how your savings will be invested. Every insurance policy is always tailored to the needs and requirements of each insured person.

An entrepreneur also often needs corporate insurances

If your company owns, for example, motor vehicles, real estate or any other property, you will need other corporate insurances in addition to your entrepreneur’s insurances. In addition to individual insurances, we also provide insurance packages that include the necessary insurances to secure your company’s moveable property and the continuity of its operations.

Are you just starting out as an entrepreneur? 

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The insurer is Pohjola Insurance. The losses will be covered in accordance with the law and the insurance terms and conditions.